Wednesday, October 24, 2007

what the experts say

Many researchers have a lot to say about my side that sex education should not be taught in schools.
Jacqueline Kasun, a professor of economics at Humboldt State University, researched that “1 in 10 teenage girls in the United States becomes pregnant every year.” This quotation supports my argument because although sex education classes teach girls about birth control and the protection, they do not realize how often students can become pregnant.

With the Untied States having the highest rate of teenage Sexually Transmitted Diseases, statistics show that the number of students who are infected with STD’s are rapidly growing each year. A few years ago the numbers of teenagers becoming infected with STD’s was just over 3 million, 8 years later Anne Stalley, a researcher states that “Over 15 million teenager Americans are infected with sexually transmitted diseases each year.”

With a recent survey by the Heritage Foundation, they found that, “only 7% of parents are happy with sex education curriculum that is offered in American Schools.” Parents are complaining that sex education classes are not stressing the abstinence message that they want their children to learn. Parents are very concerned with the explicit information that there children are learning about.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

second strongest argument

My second strongest argument that I will be making is that parents are not involved enough in sex education programs in schools. Many parents fear that sex education programs are too explicit. They also believe that teaching their children about how to have safe sex is minimizing the abstinence message that some parents want to be taught. Parents have been arguing for years that sex education should be taught at home where the parents will be able to teach their child about sex how they want, when they want and religious or moral beliefs. Parents don’t know half of the information that students learn in their sex educations classes. Schools give out pamphlets to their students with nonprofit organizations numbers that they can call whenever they need to if they have questions and they tell their students that their parents don’t even need to know about it. As students come home from school parents may ask what they did today and research has been done that proves that parents are unhappy with the way sex education is being taught. They believe that students are learning important information at too young of an age. Parents have the right to know what is going on in their child’s life, especially when it comes to sex education.

strongest argument

The strongest point that I will be making is that sex education promotes teenagers to experiment with sex, drugs, and alcohol. At this time in an adolescent’s life, there hormones are becoming more active which leads to curiosity. Not only does sex education lead to curiosity but hearing about sex on the radio or on television or in movies also thought of fitting in and “being cool”. The information that students learn includes detailed information about sex, STD’s, ect. Current sex education programs are telling students scary and inaccurate facts. Students are not getting the information that they need. Some schools hand out condoms and don’t even inform the students how to properly use it. Or teach girls about birth control without explaining the high risks. Most schools inform their students to have safe sex. With this being said some students believe that it is simple ok to have sex as long as they are being protected. By the time that students get to high school a large percentage of them have already experimented with what is taught in sex education courses. America alone has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases in the entire world.

Monday, October 8, 2007

choosing a side

The side that I will be arguing will be the con side, sex education should not be taught in schools. While researching this topic I have found that there was much more information for me to argue on the con side, which will make writing this essay much easier. The strongest arguments will be that sex education promotes teenagers to experiment with sex, drugs, and alcohol. Another important argument that I will make is the conflict between sex education and religious values. To convince my readers about the side that I have taken, I will mostly use the statistics that show that teenage pregnancies are rapidly increasing every year and that teenagers have the highest sexually transmitted disease percentage. It is proven that with some of the information taught in sex education makes students believe that it is ok to experiment as long as they are safe. After researching religious beliefs and values, religion is also one of the biggest controversies while teaching sex education. Some of my concerns will be that most readers will not agree with some of the statements I make. It is always known that students take sex education throughout middle and high school. Parents think that it will help their children, but do these parents even know what is being taught in their child's class?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

con-sex education should not be taught in schools

Is sex education in schools the reason that the United States has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the world?

Every year the numbers of teenage pregnancies are rapidly growing. In today’s world the influences on sex are everywhere. Either teenagers have heard about it from a friend, on the radio or advertisements on televisions and in movies. With more than 1 million teenagers becoming pregnant each year, people in society are thinking that sex education in schools is also promoting teenagers to have sex at a younger age. In sex education, students are taught about having safe sex. They are thinking that it is simple ok to have sex because they were taught to have protection. Not only are teenagers curious about the things they are taught, but the more information they get in schools the more tempted they are to also try drugs and alcohol.

Parents say to themselves that why should sex education be taught in schools when it just promotes their children to try sex? Most of the information that students are taught in schools parents are not even aware of. Some schools distribute condoms and hot line numbers for students to call with questions without even notifying the parents. Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught and if they want to be the ones to have the sex talk with their child.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

pro-sex education should be taught in schools

The first amendment gives the right of freedom of speech and press. With this said, this allows schools to provide full and accurate information in teaching teenage students about safe sex. In today’s society, sex education is the best way to help reduce teenage pregnancies. The most effective curriculum regarding sex education includes, modeling and practice communication and refusal skills to say no to sex, activities that address social or media influences, studies of HIV, S.T.D's , and talking about safe sex.

Some schools also teach abstinence to the students. This teaches the students to wait until marriage to become sexually active. Schools are starting to teach sex education to students as young as kindergarten. Some think that the younger they start to teach about saying no to sex altogether will help decrease the upcoming generation’s percentage of teenage pregnancies. Less sexual activity by teenagers will help reduce teenage pregnancies, diseases, and abortions.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Over the past few years, the debate on whether to teach sex education in schools has increased. Some say that teaching adolescent students about sex and diseases at a young age will decrease the number of pregnancies. On the other hand, there is the argument that teaching students about having safe sex will promote them to experiment. The number of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases has increased tremendously. The United States has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the entire world. Somewhere something is going wrong. Should students learn about sex from schools? Or is learning from parents and clinics the best way to go? The goal now in the United States is to try to decrease teenage pregnancies any way we can.