Tuesday, October 2, 2007

pro-sex education should be taught in schools

The first amendment gives the right of freedom of speech and press. With this said, this allows schools to provide full and accurate information in teaching teenage students about safe sex. In today’s society, sex education is the best way to help reduce teenage pregnancies. The most effective curriculum regarding sex education includes, modeling and practice communication and refusal skills to say no to sex, activities that address social or media influences, studies of HIV, S.T.D's , and talking about safe sex.

Some schools also teach abstinence to the students. This teaches the students to wait until marriage to become sexually active. Schools are starting to teach sex education to students as young as kindergarten. Some think that the younger they start to teach about saying no to sex altogether will help decrease the upcoming generation’s percentage of teenage pregnancies. Less sexual activity by teenagers will help reduce teenage pregnancies, diseases, and abortions.

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