Monday, October 8, 2007

choosing a side

The side that I will be arguing will be the con side, sex education should not be taught in schools. While researching this topic I have found that there was much more information for me to argue on the con side, which will make writing this essay much easier. The strongest arguments will be that sex education promotes teenagers to experiment with sex, drugs, and alcohol. Another important argument that I will make is the conflict between sex education and religious values. To convince my readers about the side that I have taken, I will mostly use the statistics that show that teenage pregnancies are rapidly increasing every year and that teenagers have the highest sexually transmitted disease percentage. It is proven that with some of the information taught in sex education makes students believe that it is ok to experiment as long as they are safe. After researching religious beliefs and values, religion is also one of the biggest controversies while teaching sex education. Some of my concerns will be that most readers will not agree with some of the statements I make. It is always known that students take sex education throughout middle and high school. Parents think that it will help their children, but do these parents even know what is being taught in their child's class?

1 comment:

Caitlin M said...

I think it's a wise decision to go with the side that give you the most information to work with. When you present your con points, you might want to consider using some of the pro points you found and contradict them.