Saturday, October 6, 2007

con-sex education should not be taught in schools

Is sex education in schools the reason that the United States has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the world?

Every year the numbers of teenage pregnancies are rapidly growing. In today’s world the influences on sex are everywhere. Either teenagers have heard about it from a friend, on the radio or advertisements on televisions and in movies. With more than 1 million teenagers becoming pregnant each year, people in society are thinking that sex education in schools is also promoting teenagers to have sex at a younger age. In sex education, students are taught about having safe sex. They are thinking that it is simple ok to have sex because they were taught to have protection. Not only are teenagers curious about the things they are taught, but the more information they get in schools the more tempted they are to also try drugs and alcohol.

Parents say to themselves that why should sex education be taught in schools when it just promotes their children to try sex? Most of the information that students are taught in schools parents are not even aware of. Some schools distribute condoms and hot line numbers for students to call with questions without even notifying the parents. Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught and if they want to be the ones to have the sex talk with their child.


Ada said...

to some extent i agree with this view,but most of my friends on said that it is necessary to have sex education at school,coz nowadays hiv is spreading,we should take some measure.i think hiv is much more serious than pregnancy,do u think so?

Caitlin M said...

I like how you backed up this position with lots of facts and statistics- it strengthens your argument. You brought up some interesting points that I had not thought of. If you can, you might want to add some examples of situations where sex education had a negative effect on someone- this can be a very effective way to convince your reader.